“Punching the world” starts filming
left to right.: Meike Götz (MDR), Lukas Rietzschel, Florian Brückner, Constanze Klaue, Gabriele Simon, Dana Messerschmidt (MDM), Roxana Richters, Alexander Wadouh.
At the end of February, principal photography began in Görlitz on our co-production "Mit der Faust in die Welt Schlagen," (tentative intl. title “Punching the world”) based on the novel of the same name by Lukas Rietzschel.
The film is written and directed by Constanze Klaue, who is making her feature film debut after the successful medium-length film "Lychen 92". The film stars Anton Franke and Camille Loup Moltzen as the young brothers, as well as Anja Schneider and Christian Näthe as their parents
FLARE FILM and CHROMOSOM FILM (Alexander Wadouh, Roxana Richters) are co-producing, together with broadcasters MDR, WDR, RBB and Arte. The project is funded by BKM, Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung (MDM), Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg (MBB), as well as the DFFF.